Chromosome Stability 2024
About the Meeting

The Chromosome Stability meeting provides a platform to facilitate interactions between the fast growing Indian scientific community interested in areas related to chromosome stability with leading scientists from the US, Europe and Asia. Moreover, India probably has the largest pool of talented graduate students who should also be exposed to a meeting of this nature.

The first meeting of this series involving a small group of scientists took place in Kerala in 2012, followed by a larger gathering in the second meeting in JNCASR Bangalore in 2014. Subsequent meetings were held at Kovalam, Kerala, in 2016 and JNCASR Bangalore in 2018. The fifth edition of the meeting was held in December 2022 at IISER Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala marking completion of ten years since the start of the meeting. Reports on these meetings have been published in journals (Bioessays, Chromosoma) and on the PLOS Biologue. We are organizing the sixth meeting on “Chromosome Stability” during December 13 - 17, 2024 at JNCASR, Bengaluru, Karnataka. We have speakers of international repute, a nice blend of young and senior scientists, from all over the world presenting seminars on the following broad areas of chromosome stability :

  1. Chromosomal domains
  2. Replication-Repair-Recombination
  3. Genome assembly and topology
To foster better interactions with the speakers, we encourage students, postdocs and young faculty members to present posters, involve in informal discussions and look for opportunities for further interactions and collaborations. Several collaborations and training opportunities were made possible through interactions in the last five meetings. We request the speakers and other participants to stay the entire duration of the meeting to facilitate such interactions.

The Chromosome Stability Meeting 2024 got a make over! Here is our brand new logo designed by Pallawi Choubey from Dr Kushagra Bansal's Lab at JNCASR, Bengaluru. Download Logo Here

Do follow us on our Twitter handle @CStability82445 for timely updates about the conference. Please tag us while posting about the conference on social media. Hashtags: #ChromosomeStability #CS24 #ChromComm

Read this article published in Chromosoma on the completion of 10 years of the Chromosome Stability Meeting co-authored by Prof. Kaustuv Sanyal and Prof. Nishant K T here: Chromosome Stability @10

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